The basic pillars that support Pazo de Vilane are being environmentally friendly and animal welfare. As a matter of fact, we take special care of our hens and farmland, which are surrounded by autochthonous forests that help maintain biodiversity within A Ulloa shire. Our rural development and environmental initiatives are:

1 idea, 1 árbol

1 idea, 1 árbol

This is the campaign we have been carrying out annually for seven years when spring comes. The main purpose of this action is reusing Pazo de Vilane’s free-range eggs boxes. Therefore, we promote our commitment to the 3R’s (reduce, reuse and recycle) and we contribute to maintaining biodiversity in the A Ulloa area.

For each idea we receive for reusing a recycled cardboard box, we plant an autochthonous tree in the manor’s plots to make sure our hens will have shade and shelter in the future. The amount of participants increases every year and the ideas –shared on our website and social networks– raise awareness of the importance of material reuse and recycling.


Huellas Conscientes

Huellas conscientes

As part of our environmental strategy, we have stepped up and done our bit to fight against climate change. At Pazo de Vilane, we are developing the “Conscious Footprints” programme in association with Cuatrotercios and ISENER (the Institute for Energy Sustainability).

This is an initiative aimed at calculating and reducing the carbon footprint in our activities. The programme includes training plans for sparking interest and raising awareness among the groups involved by carrying out actions aimed at reducing and controlling emissions.